Collection challenge: Your chance to stop the E-ID!

Collection challenge: A decisive step against the E-ID

The introduction of a digital identity (e-ID) in Switzerland is a significant step with far-reaching consequences. While proponents speak of greater efficiency and digitalisation, there are considerable concerns regarding data protection, state control and individual liberties.

In order to facilitate a broad social debate on the e-ID, a Referendum required. This must be done by 19 April 2025 enough signatures are collected. The current Collecting Challenge offers a concrete opportunity to achieve this goal. The deadline for collecting the challenge is 31 March 2025.

Why is the E-ID controversial?

The e-ID is not only a technical innovation, but also a political decision with long-term effects. Critics point out the following points:

  • Data protection risks: A centralised digital identity can lead to more comprehensive Monitoring and control especially if it is linked to other databases.
  • Gradual introduction of a digital social credit system? In other countries, similar digital identification systems have been used to regulate access to services or financial transactions.
  • Dependence on digital infrastructures: The increasing shift of personal identification processes to the digital world could lead to a Cash abolition and facilitate new forms of regulation.

These and other questions deserve a broad public debate. A referendum is the only way to ensure that the population decides on the future of the e-ID in a direct vote.

How can you get involved?

The 2nd collection challenge for the referendum against the e-ID is an opportunity to take action. Until 31 March 2025 the aim is to collect as many signatures as possible.

Β What counts now every single signaturebecause if we can referendum, the E-ID will become reality.

Take part now to protect Switzerland from digital surveillance! Collection period: until 31 March 2025.

🎁 Great prizes for diligent collectors:

πŸ† 1st place: CHF 700 voucher for the CBD Castle Hotel Zermatt
🎟 2nd place: Overnight stay for 2 at the Spa Hotel Cambrian, Adelboden (from 40+ signatures)
β˜• 3rd place: Nespresso Vertuo Next Deluxe (from 25+ signatures)

πŸ‘‰ SIGN NOW & JOIN IN! Click here for the challenge!

Anyone can help by collecting signatures in their own neighbourhood. In addition to collecting signatures, you can also send Sponsor signature forms or the campaign financial support.

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