
To keep you up to date on actions, reactions, views and opinions and official statements on our issues and campaigns.Tip: Clicking on one of the buttons will only show you news in the corresponding category.

27.05.2024, by Samuel Riggenbach

say NO to the N.W.O.!

The Friends of the Constitution support the project THE ROAD TO GENEVA!  

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26.05.2024, by Roland Bühlmann

Sovereignty demo part 2 on 25 May 2024 in Bern

For the second time in a month, we demonstrated against the WHO in Bern. We were not allowed on the Bundesplatz, so this time in Wankdorf. It was again nice to see people from the movement and to hear good and interesting speakers. Thank you for your support!

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30.04.2024, by Roland Bühlmann

Fireside chat Roland Bühlmann with former Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer

On 26 April 2024, more than 200 people gathered in Auw to experience an interesting evening of politics. Under the moderation of Philipp Gut, former Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, who gave insights into the everyday life of a Federal Councillor, and Roland Bühlmann talked about pressing political issues such as corona, climate, the state of parliament and the media. The whole conversation [...]

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30.04.2024, by Roland Bühlmann

Sovereignty demo on 27 April 2024 in Bern

MASS-VOLL! and the Friends of the Constitution organised the sovereignty demo on the Bundesplatz in Bern. It was great to see so many people from the movement. Interesting and entertaining speakers always supported by the Freiheitstrychlern. The whole demo can be seen here:

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23/04/2024, by Alessia Zanoni

Sovereignty demos

STOP WHO pandemic pact and IHR Switzerland is rising up against the WHO pandemic pact and the IHR. Together we are standing up for our sovereignty: join us in Bern and send a strong signal for our fundamental rights! Sovereignty demo 1 Saturday, 27 April 2024, Bern, Bundesplatz Start: 16:00 🎥 A semi-circle will be set up in front of the stage for journalists from [...]

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04.04.2024, by Patricia Rufer

The presidential panel - Roland Bühlmann, Friends of the Constitution and Petra Burri, Aufrecht Bern

🚨The regional group Friends of the Constitution Bümpliz-Wohlen and Aufrecht Bern cordially invite you to the Presidents' Meeting. Tuesday, 14 May 2024 Doors open at 18:30 Start at 19:30 1st floor, Rest. Sternen, Bümplizstr. 121, 3018 Bern 📣 The programme: - News from Friends of the Constitution by Roland - News from Aufrecht Bern by Petra - Panel discussion, moderated by Jonathan [...]

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04.04.2024, by Patricia Rufer

April lecture series Sovereignty Initiative with Dr Markus Zollinger, lawyer

April lecture series Sovereignty Initiative The only way to stop the WHO. 8835 Feusisberg (SZ) Archimondo Firststrasse 8 4 April 2024 19:00 - 21:00 8617 Mönchaltorf (ZH) Mönchhof Mönchhof 1 10 April 2024 19:00 - 21:00 8708 Männedorf (ZH) Gemeindesaal Alte Landstrasse 250 16 April 2024 19:00 - 21:00 8105 Regensdorf (ZH) GZ Roos Roosstrasse 40 24 April [...]

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18.03.2024, by Patricia Rufer

Fireside chat a. Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer and Dr Roland Bühlmann

Friday, 26 April 2024 Panel discussion with President Dr Roland Bühlmann and a. Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer. The fireside chat with a. Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer and Roland Bühlmann promises to be an exciting panel discussion with top-class guests and an entertaining supporting programme. We would be delighted to welcome you to the fireside chat. Further information about the event and registration can be found [...]

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13.03.2024, by Patricia Rufer

Corona Symposium 6/7 April 2024 - EVENTfabrik Bern

The 1st CH Symposium 2024 will focus on the social and health policy processes during the coronavirus crisis. Dr Roland Bühlmann, President of Friends of the Constitution, will take part in the panel and audience discussion on the evening of the "Makers", Saturday, 6 April 2024, 8.15 pm. Other high-calibre speakers from the fields of medicine and science, law, politics, society, media, culture and the church will also be appearing: Dr Thomas med [...]

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