
Discover the latest reports about the Friends of the Constitution here. Stay informed about our exciting activities and learn what sets us apart.

February 2024


January 2025

The Pirate Party is committed to the fight against electronic identity. But now others are stealing the show. Instead of cooperating with those who are sceptical about the measures, there is a row.

On Thursday, with "Aufrecht Schweiz" and the Friends of the Constitution two more of their organisations have announced that they are launching a referendum against the e-ID. Together, they want to fight against "new possibilities for electronic surveillance". The pirates want to present their committee on Friday.  
There will be no votes at federal level on 18 May. This was decided by the Federal Council on Wednesday. This means that 2025 will be a quiet year for voting.

It remains to be seen whether a second vote on the e-ID will take place this year. The Pirate Party and the Freunde der VerfassungMass-Voll and Aufrecht Schweiz are currently collecting signatures for a referendum.  
"See nothing, hear nothing, say nothing - unfortunately the people in charge all cancelled." A poster with this text greeted the audience on Tuesday evening at the fireside chat organised by the Freunde der Verfassung had invited. Their president, Roland Bühlmann, moderated the prominent panel, which consisted of SVP Councillor of States Pirmin Schwander, Einsiedeln SP Cantonal Councillor Antoine Chaix and the president of the Action Alliance of the Original Cantons, Josef Ender.

In his introduction, Bühlmann pointed out that he had received mass cancellations in response to his enquiries to potential participants in the talks. Unfortunately, he said, more and more people were no longer willing to talk to each other about certain controversial topics. The idea of the fireside chat was to counteract this tendency.  

December 2024


November 2024


October 2024


September 2024


August 2024

The Friends of the Constitution a few days to collect the necessary 100,000 signatures for their Reappraisal initiative to collect. Their goal: an independent investigation into the background to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to the effectiveness of the Covid tests and vaccinations, the Federal Council's use of emergency legislation during the pandemic is also to be critically analysed.
By Wednesday, 52,312 signatures had been collected, according to the Freunde der Verfassung announced on Wednesday. A total of 100,000 signatures would have been required. Instead of the Reappraisal initiative the initiators' concern - action against state corona measures - will be addressed to the Federal Council as a petition, the press release stated.
The so-called Freunde der Verfassung submitted the signatures of their petition on Wednesday to deal with the coronavirus period. This was after the initiative by opponents of the government's coronavirus measures failed to materialise.
The petition is aimed at "independently, fairly and transparently" analysing the coronavirus period, according to a statement from the association, which was founded in Solothurn in July 2020. It is also about learning something in order to be better prepared for future events.  

July 2024


June 2024

With a long initiative text, critics of the measures want Switzerland to investigate the pandemic. It is now clear that the initiative is lacking signatures. The Freunde der Verfassung support the initiative committee in collecting and organising signatures. President Roland Bühlmann speaks of around 50,000 signatures that are still missing after 15 months. They must be collected by the end of August, otherwise the initiative will not be realised.

May 2024

Symposia, initiatives, demonstrations: the opponents of the measures want to give their concerns new impetus. They are only moderately successful. But Ueli Maurer is trying to build a bridge to his SVP's programme.!40PM1S8N5ZJ5

April 2024

Several hundred people demonstrated against the WHO pandemic agreement in Bern on Saturday. The demonstration was organised by the Mass-Voll movement led by Nicolas Rimoldi (29).   The co-organisers included the Friends of the Constitution and the Freedom Fighters. The latter made a loud appearance on the Bundesplatz, as a correspondent from the Keystone-SDA news agency reported.

March 2024

The people strengthen the Grand Council

Thanks to the initiative on the 13th AHV pension, the cantonal proposal also received a high turnout. However, the verdict was much clearer: 75 per cent said yes to the introduction of urgent legislation. The Frutigland also voted in favour with large majorities.
The canton of Bern should be able to act immediately in crises

What is at stake? The Bernese cantonal parliament should be able to pass an urgent law in a crisis - without a referendum and without waiting to see whether a referendum will be held against it. This is already established at federal level and in other cantons. This requires a constitutional amendment in Bern.

February 2024

Will Ueli Maurer become the last figurehead of the coronavirus sceptics?

Will Ueli Maurer become the last figurehead of the coronavirus sceptics? According to his own statements, Ueli Maurer naturally did not want to provoke. In September 2021, he described it as "pure coincidence" that he was wearing a Freedom Party T-shirt at an SVP event. The SVP Federal Councillor did not want to comment to CH Media at the time that critics of the measures were prevented from storming the Federal Palace with difficulty a few days later, shouting "Ueli, Ueli".
Ueli Maurer reiterates his criticism of the coronavirus policy.

Ueli Maurer reiterates his criticism of the coronavirus policy: "Anyone who asked a critical question was sorted out by being branded a 'conspirator' or a 'right-wing extremist'",1977,x1225,y1300
Critics of the measures warn that basic rights in the canton of Bern are being dismantled. The implementation of emergency legislation in Bern is met with rejection. Two critical organisations recommend approval.

The introduction of urgent legislation in the canton of Bern is meeting with resistance. Two organisations critical of the measures are recommending a "no" to the bill, which will be put to the people on 3 March. According to the Friends of the Constitution and the Mass-Voll movement, the constitutional amendment is anti-democratic. Both organisations have become known as critics of the coronavirus measures.
Nature romantics and state critics: where have the corona sceptics gone?

The opponents of the corona measures have failed politically. Many of them have turned their backs on the issue. But not all of them.
Critics were right almost everywhere

n view of the developments since 2020, I feel insulted by journalists. Since the beginning, I have been justifying my criticism of the corona policy, documented with sources, with political, legal and also scientific arguments, and I have not had to retract anything so far. On the contrary, almost all my criticisms have been confirmed. In the meantime, I would change the conclusion of the report: Anyone who still defends this corona policy today refuses to recognise facts, and there is no discussion worth having.
The canton of Bern should be able to act immediately in crises Lessons learnt from the coronavirus pandemic: the cantonal parliament of Bern wants to be able to pass laws as a matter of urgency.

What is at stake? The Bernese cantonal parliament should be able to pass an urgent law in a crisis - without a referendum and without waiting to see whether a referendum will be held against it. This is already established at federal level and in other cantons. This requires a constitutional amendment in Bern. What is the background? During the coronavirus pandemic, it became clear that the wheels of Bernese legislation grind slowly - too slowly when the world is in crisis. Dominique Bühler, Vice President of the cantonal parliament, gives a concrete example: "It was almost impossible to create a legal basis so that councillors could vote externally and remain capable of acting."

January 2024

Ueli Maurer as an anti-vaccination campaigner and coronavirus sceptic: democracy has to endure this The former finance minister causes a stir with an interview on the pandemic and the Federal Council's crisis management. Ueli Maurer's statements are irritating, but no reason to disinvite him from a democracy conference - the commentary.

December 2023

Have you blown up the "citizens' bloc", Mr Blocher? "Don't complain about style issues. All this snivelling!"

After the elections, the conservative parties criticise each other. Christoph Blocher, inventor of the modern SVP, attacks the FDP and the centre - as well as his own party: "The last elections degenerated in many cantons."

November 2023

Nidwalden voters clearly reject child protection initiative

Not a single municipality is in favour of the initiative. The cantonal government is pleased to note the result of the vote. The people of Nidwalden rejected the popular initiative to amend the cantonal education law - the so-called child protection initiative - on Sunday with 87 per cent of votes against (1388 yes, 9239 no). The voter turnout was 34.4 per cent.
Nidwalden voters clearly reject child protection initiative

The people of Nidwalden rejected the popular initiative to amend the cantonal education law - the so-called child protection initiative - on Sunday with 87 per cent of votes against (1388 yes, 9239 no). The voter turnout was 34.4 per cent. The initiative aimed to strengthen self-determination and personal responsibility. It demanded that the consent of the pupils concerned or their parents be obtained for medical and health-related measures in schools. This included measures such as the obligation to wear masks during the pandemic. The initiative was supported by the "Action Alliance of the Original Cantons" and the "Friends of the Constitution", among others.

October 2023


Threats and ultimate demands characterise parts of the election campaign. Instead of seeking viable solutions for the future, the offended parties are standing in the way. Yet the country is facing so many challenges that it is dependent on constructive policies.

"There is a danger that speakers will make anti-Semitic remarks" On Saturday, opponents of the coronavirus measures are calling for a relevant rally. Left-wing parties are clearly positioning themselves against it. An anti-fascist alliance has called for an unauthorised counter-demonstration and will only announce the route at short notice.
Citizens' movements launch initiative for a stronger constitution

Three citizens' movements and the Pirate Party have joined forces to launch an initiative to strengthen Swiss sovereignty. The citizens' movements "Friends of the Constitution", "Mass-Voll" and "Aufrecht Schweiz" are launching a popular initiative together with the Pirate Party: the "Sovereignty Initiative" is intended to strengthen Switzerland's fundamental rights. According to the authors, the popular initiative aims to guarantee citizens consistent protection of their constitutional rights. It is also intended to defend Switzerland's sovereignty. For example, Switzerland would not be allowed to submit to foreign courts - with the exception of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.
Strengthening the constitution with an initiative

The citizens' movements "Friends of the Constitution", "Mass-Voll" and "Aufrecht Schweiz" want to strengthen Switzerland's fundamental right, the constitution, with an initiative. They are launching this together with the Pirate Party. The initiative is entitled "In favour of the effective protection of constitutional rights - Sovereignty Initiative" and has been examined by the Federal Chancellery. The initiative committee now has 18 months to collect the necessary 100,000 signatures. The aim of the initiative is to guarantee citizens consistent protection of their constitutional rights and to defend Switzerland's sovereignty.
Eymann fears demo riots - Left outraged by letter The parties in Basel should help to prevent rioting around two demonstrations next Saturday. This is neither within their power nor their task, counter the Greens and SP.

A "Friends of the Constitution" demonstration is to take place in Basel, Weil am Rhein and Huningue on Saturday. Basel Nazifrei has called for a counter-demonstration: "Prevent the right-wing march together", it says in an appeal.
Should Stephanie Eymann revoke the Mass Voll demo's licence?

n 21 October 2023, anti-vaccination and far-right movements are mobilising in Basel. Groups such as the "Freiheitstrychler", "Freunde der Verfassung" and Nicolas Rimoldi's "Mass-Voll" are planning to demonstrate along a tri-national route. According to BaselJetzt, 1000 participants are expected at the authorised demonstration for "Peace, Freedom and Sovereignty". The counter-demonstration planned by Basel Nazifrei has not been authorised. Yesterday, several parties and experts expressed their concerns about the tri-national demo to Bajour. Among other things, they fear anti-Semitic remarks - the security situation has changed with the latest outbreak of war in the Middle East. Last week, two demonstrations were cancelled for security reasons.
Eymann letter causes irritation

I ask you, where necessary, to recall the democratic rules of the game and the importance of the free exchange of opinions - also to spare the population and the cantonal police, who are already under great pressure, from major riots." Security Director Stephanie Eymann (LDP) sent a letter with this closing sentence to Basel's political parties last week. The letter is now causing great irritation - especially among the left-wing parties, who are talking about a shift in responsibility. "We were irritated to read the letter that reached us by email. We are disconcerted by this attempted delegation of responsibility," writes SP President Lisa Mathys to Stephanie Eymann, for example. But one thing at a time.
Citizens' movements launch initiative for a stronger constitution

The citizens' movements Friends of the Constitution, Mass-Voll and Aufrecht Schweiz are launching a popular initiative together with the Pirate Party in favour of a stronger Swiss constitutional right. The initiative committee also includes parliamentarians from the SVP parliamentary group.
Opponents of the measures want to take to the streets despite the ban on demonstrations

Two demonstrations with the potential to escalate took place on Saturday. Now the Basel police are reacting. They have issued a general order banning all demonstrations this coming weekend. The reason for this is the security situation in an international context.
Basel police ban all demonstrations

The authorised demonstration by the "Friends of the Constitution" and the unauthorised counter-event by Basel Nazifrei have been the subject of controversy in Basel-Stadt for days. In a letter to the political parties, Basel's Director of Security Stephanie Eymann called on them to "where necessary, recall the democratic rules of the game and the importance of the free exchange of opinions" and thus "spare the population and the cantonal police major riots".
Conspirators want to circumvent demo ban in Basel Critics of the state and measures and left-wing extremists wanted to demonstrate in Basel on Saturday: A ban on demonstrations is now in force - the potential for escalation remains high.

Demo organiser Mario Della Giacoma explains to "The advantage of an event in three countries is that there are alternative options." Registration at Rheinpark in Germany is currently being extended so that the entire event can take place there. The general ban on demonstrations in Basel is a slap in the face for him: "I have already invested over 200 hours in this event. We are not right-wing extremists or anti-Semites - we have been demonstrating peacefully for four years now." "Mass-Voll" president and National Council candidate Nicolas Rimoldi also declared: "We're going to demonstrate!" He claims that the ban on demonstrations is unconstitutional.
Opponents of measures receive demo asylum in Germany

After Basel-Stadt issued a general ban on demonstrations due to the general security situation in connection with the escalation in the Middle East, a planned "tri-national rally" on Saturday has now been moved to Germany. An event with the potential to escalate: speakers who spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and move in far-right circles are to speak. The rally will be led by prominent figures from the scene such as Mass-Voll and the Freiheitstrychler.
Mass Voll boss Nicolas Rimoldi taken away In view of the tense security situation in the wake of the war in the Middle East, several cities have banned demonstrations. Basel is one of them. Corona sceptics and counter-demonstrators gathered nevertheless.

Large-scale operation for the police in Basel. The reason: coronavirus sceptics and the left-wing scene. Under the name "Demo for Peace, Freedom and Sovereignty", coronavirus sceptics held a tri-national rally in the border triangle near Basel on Saturday. The event was initially authorised in Basel. However, all demonstrations were eventually banned due to the Middle East conflict. Rimoldi wrote on his Telegram channel afterwards: "Thanks to the police for protecting us from terrorists. My mobile phone is now with the Kapo."
Election party of the critics of the measures Mass-full fails at the ballot box The movement centred around Nicolas Rimoldi receives less than one percent of the vote in the canton of Zurich - and thus clearly misses out on a seat in the National Council.

The Mass-voll grouping will not be represented in the Swiss parliament in the coming legislative period. In Zurich, where its president Nicolas A. Rimoldi occupied the first place on the list, Mass-voll received 0.65 per cent of the vote at the end of the day and therefore clearly missed out on a place in the National Council. However, her votes helped the EDU, which entered into a list alliance with Massvoll (and Aufrecht): the Christian-conservative party now has a seat in the National Council.
Lancement d'une initiative pour la souveraineté alimentaire

Uniterre will launch a popular initiative to enshrine the principle of food sovereignty in the Federal Constitution. This decision was taken unanimously by the delegates of the Swiss Farmers' Union at their meeting in Yverdon (VD) on Wednesday. The text will be submitted to the Federal Chancellery in September, Valentina Hemmeler Maïga, syndicale secrétaire d'Uniterre, told ats. Discussions will be held here in order to find more partners for this initiative.
Les coronasceptiques launch a new initiative to safeguard the sovereignty of Switzerland The corona-sceptics based on the figure of Nicolas Rimoldi are launching a new popular initiative. They want nothing less than to "save sovereignty". The national councillors of the UDC are also in favour.

A new popular initiative is giving impetus to the electoral campaign of the corona-sceptics based on the figure at the head of the Mass-Voll movement Nicolas Rimoldi and the President of the Friends of the Constitution Roland Bühlmann. The coup d'envoi of the initiative dite de souveraineté is given this mardi. As the title of the project says, it aims to "ensure effective protection of constitutional rights". They want nothing less than to "safeguard sovereignty". The initiative demands that Switzerland does not enter into international commitments that would oblige local authorities to intervene "in the area of the protection of fundamental rights or other constitutional rights". The authors of the initiative also want to exclude "the provisions of the law on security, the economy, health or the environment of a preventive or repressive nature".

September 2023


Civil rights movements such as Aufrecht or Mass-voll have demonstrated for months against the policies of the Federal Council and parliament. Now they themselves are running in the national and Council of States elections. Among them are conspiracy theorists, state rejectionists - and right-wing extremists.


Although often unconscious and unread, the 175-year-old rulebook is rightly present in people's minds. Despite its 175 years, the Swiss Federal Constitution, the founding act of the Swiss federal state in 1848, is not a museum piece to be viewed behind glass. Rather, it is a tool that is used again and again.


713 candidates from Aargau want to run for the National Council. Not all of them are running for the big ones - even small parties or groups repeatedly put themselves forward for election, even though they know their chances are slim.

The Mass-Voll grouping around the controversial Corona measures critic Nicolas Rimoldi also remained alone. The leading candidate is Roland Bühlmann. In the AZ, Bühlmann rates his chances of winning a seat as "average".

One thing is clear: if you want a seat on the National Council in Aargau, you need about six percent of the electorate.

August 2023


By means of a large digital voting card, the "Friends of the Constitution" would like to be able to hold referendums more quickly and easily. The organisation of critics of the Corona measures now also want to have their say on other issues.


Does the Swiss population have enough votes on federal policy issues? Estimating that the requirements for launching a referendum are too high, the Group of Friends of the Constitution wants to facilitate the collection of signatures and will launch an initiative in this sense.


SVP and FDP, Mitte and EVP as well as SP, Greens and GLP: These well-known list combinations are joined by a fourth: The Solution-Oriented People's Movement of Theres Schöni, who distinguished herself as a Corona sceptic, is running with the Music Party, the Swiss Liberté Egalité Party and "".

It is also clear after the deadline for registration that three parties or groups are going into the elections alone: The Pirate Party, the Pirate Party, which had joined forces with the SP and the Greens in 2019. the "Mass-Voll!" movement, whose top candidate Roland Bühlmann was still confident last week about an alliance. and the Party of Labour will not enter into any list enter into a list alliance.  

Dr Roland Bühlmann - Fresh thinking / Citizens, not elites, should decide

Switzerland is known for its direct democracy. But this only works in part. The Friends of the Constitution have new ideas on how to strengthen the people's rights.


Les anti-mesures Covid préparent leur nouveau combat

More than 14 months have passed since the introduction of the last Covid restrictions. However, despite the people's vote in favour of the Covid law this Thursday, the deplorables of the measures are not letting up.


Constitutionalists want more referendums: Please don't - you can also love You can also love the people's rights to death

It is not a good idea to simplify the collection of signatures. The people's voice needs a minimum of representativeness.

For the friends of the constitution, the Corona critics from the anti-Justice milieu, this cannot go on. They want, as CH Media reported, They want to make referendums quicker and easier. strengthen democracy". The citizens' movement will soon inform the public about the exact shortly.

The Friends of the Constitution are not the only ones who want to simplify the rules for collecting signatures. the rules for collecting signatures. Several cantons cantons are flirting with the electronic collection of signatures. the federal government is also exploring the possibility, and parties from the left to the Free parties, from the left to the Free Democrats, seem to think that filling out signature antiquated - after all, we are modern and digital nowadays, not handwritten and and no longer handwritten and by post.

They do not want to be taken over by the system. That is why the Friends of the Constitution do not want to enter parliament. But they now want to make direct democracy more accessible.


Already at the beginning of July, the Mass-Voll citizens' movement, which is critical of the coronation, announced that it would be contesting the National Council elections in the canton of Aargau with its own list. The best-known name on the list and top candidate of the citizens' movement in Aargau: Roland Bühlmann. Like Nicolas Rimoldi, president of Mass-Voll, Bühlmann has been a figurehead of the Coronasceptic movement since the pandemic: the IT entrepreneur from Auw has been president of the Friends of the Constitution since May 2022.

The Friends of the Constitution refuse to go to the polls, but launch a new popular initiative

They do not want to be co-opted by the system. That is why the Friends of the Constitution do not want to enter parliament. But they now want to make direct democracy more accessible. As Co-President of the Friends of the Constitution, Roland Bühlmann is submitting the referendum against the Covid law on 30 March 2023, together with Mass-Voll President Nicolas Rimoldi. Bühlmann is now President of the Friends of the Constitution.

July 2023


Upright and Mass-Full Two well-known resistance groups against the Corona measures are running for the National Council. With Aufrecht and Mass-voll, two groups will be running in the autumn National two groups are running for the National Council elections in the autumn. to the Corona policy of the authorities. And although in the Bernese region - like the Friends of the Constitution or the the Friends of the Constitution or the Freedom Tories - they lack a real figurehead, they have a serious chance of winning a seat.


The Fricktal opponent of cows and church bells withdraws withdraws her candidacy for the National Council. Last week, "Mass-Voll" president Rimoldi confirmed that he would also be to stand in the National Council elections in Aargau. It is known that Roland Bühlmann is likely to be the front-runner. Bühlmann is Bühlmann has become known for his fight against Covid 19 measures. The IT entrepreneur from Auw has been president of the association "Friends of the of the "Friends of the Constitution" association, which is critical of the measures. most recently served as co-president of the referendum committee against the the Covid 19 law.

Aargau top candidate - Roland Bühlmann


The opponents of the measures want to run in the autumn elections. But the hoped-for alliances with the SVP are unlikely to materialise. The groups "Aufrecht" and "Mass-Voll" are planning to run in several cantons in the national elections in autumn.


http://SVP-Geschäftsleitung ends Glarner's flirtation with "Mass-Voll"

The SVP Aargau is sticking to the alliance with the FDP and EDU and does not want to enter into any further list enter into any further list alliances. The cantonal party is clearly committed to the civic list alliance, the SVP Aargau management announced. management of the SVP Aargau. This was in response to an earlier announcement by National Councillor and Aargau party president Andreas Glarner, who with the Mass-Voll citizens' movement, which is represented in the which intends to run a list of candidates in the Aargau National elections in Aargau. The civic movement, which during the Corona pandemic for its opposition to restrictive measures. measures during the Corona pandemic, had previously presented its first two candidates, Nancy Holten and Roland Bühlmann. candidates.


http://"Red line crossed": Will the SVP-FDP alliance in Aargau break up because of Rimoldi's "Mass-Voll"?

The list connection between the Aargau FDP and the SVP is hanging by a thread. This could now break, because Andreas Glarner is flirting with the idea of also the anti-corona movement "Mass-Voll" on board for the National "Mass-Voll" movement on board for the National Council elections.


June 2023


Switzerland is one of the very few countries in the world that allows the people to decide directly on essential political issues through referendums. In Europe, the Swiss Confederation is thus a model for many patriotic parties that also wish to strengthen direct democracy in their countries. The President of the "Friends of the Constitution", the Swiss Dr. Roland Bühlmann, comments in an AUF1 interview on the recent referenda on the continuation of the Covid measures as well as climate protection.


The Covid Bill is on course for a third Yes vote. They had hoped that people had become wiser, said Friends of the Constitution President Roland Bühlmann.

May 2023


On 18 June, Switzerland will vote on the Covid 19 law. For the third time in two years, an alliance of civil rights organisations, associations and parties wants to end what they see as harmful measures.

A No to the bill on 18 June would mean a return to normality, the committee of opponents of the measures against the Covid 19 pandemic told the media in Bern on Thursday. "Corona is over and the Covid certificate must disappear," said Nicolas Rimoldi, president of the Massful movement. He added that the emergency right must be taken away from the Federal Council.

April 2023


The opponents of the measures around "Mass-voll!" speak of an "optimal starting position" to sink the extension of the Covid law at the ballot box - also because the supporters are struggling to get a campaign going.


Certificates, covid tests or software for contact tracing are a thing of the past. On 18 June, however, the Swiss electorate will vote a third time on the legal basis for measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

The referendum committee "Measures? No Thanks" submitted a total of 59,211 valid signatures to the Federal Chancellery on 4 April to oppose the amendment to the law Covid-19 of 16 December 2022.

The committee consists mainly of the associations "Mass-Voll" and "Friends of the Constitution". These movements, with no clear political affiliation, have distinguished themselves during the pandemic through their opposition to the policies of the Federal Council and in particular to the Covid 19 certificate.

Passe sanitaire, tests Covid ou logiciel de traçage des contacts appartiennent désormais au passé. On 18 June, the Swiss people will be asked to vote for the third time on the legal basis that regulates measures to combat coronavirus pandemics.


Opponents of the Covid 19 law are also fighting against other threats to free citizens. For example, white lines.

You can choose your friends, but not your family, they say. There is something to this, of course, even if a thin fog of uncertainty obscures whether the constitution has chosen the "friends of the constitution" as friends. Conversely, yes, undoubtedly, just as the friends of the Constitution have come together in agreement with "Mass-Voll" to submit the third referendum against the Covid 19 law.


On 18 June, the Swiss electorate will once again decide on the Covid 19 law. On Tuesday evening, the SVP decided on the official No-parole.

The Swiss electorate will vote again on 18 June on the Covid 19 law. Now there is some momentum in the referendum campaign: on Tuesday evening, in the proverbial shadow of the CS session, the People's Party officially adopted the No-parole. In a media release entitled "Three years of emergency law are enough", the SVP launches a broadside against the law.

The People's Party is convinced that the Federal Council could restrict the freedom of the population at any time with the Covid 19 law. Such "massive encroachments on fundamental rights" cannot be justified by anything, according to the media release.


Various groups of citizens are arguing for a reform of Swiss democracy, calling in particular for the creation of citizens' assemblies. Is the country of initiatives and referendums no longer what it used to be?


In several cantons, critics of Corona measures want to run for the federal elections. In the canton of Zurich, Nicolas Rimoldi, who is known as the head of the Mass-voll movement, wants to enter the Federal Parliament. In doing so, he is to receive support from the Friends of the Constitution.


Le référendum a abouti: la population suisse votera le 18 juin sur la loi Covid. Sauf que la crise est dépassée et que ce scrutin soulève des questions.


The Swiss population will again vote on amendments to the Covid 19 law. This was brought about by a referendum committee around the "Friends of the Constitution".


Le peuple votera le 18 juin prochain pour la troisième fois sur la loi Covid-19. La Chancellerie fédérale a annoncé mardi que le référendum a formellement abouti, avec 56'184 signatures valables.

The Committee of the Whole, which opposes the extension of certain provisions of the Covid-19 law adopted by Parliament in December last year, submitted 59,211 signatures on 30 March. The Chancellery had provisionally reserved the date of 18 June for this vote.

The referendum is notably supported by the Mass-Voll movement, an alpine group that illustrated itself during the pandemic with actions against the policies of the Federal Council, as well as by the Amis de la Constitution. Cette association, créée en juillet 2020, avait également participé au lancement du référendum contre la loi sur le terrorisme.

La remise des signatures contre la Loi Covid le 30 mars dernier à la Chancellerie fédérale, avec en tête des référendaires le président du mouvement Mass-Voll, Nicolas Rimoldi.

March 2023



"Mass-full!" and the Friends of the Constitution have succeeded thanks to a final spurt and collected more than 60,000 signatures against the extension of the Covid law. An FDP National Councillor is now on the referendum committee.

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