The Friends of the Constitution have once again pulled off a major coup!

Referendum II :: Final score 8 July 2021

A whopping 187,433 signatures for Referendum II against various amendments to the Covid Law were delivered by the Friends of the Constitution to the Federal Palace Terrace in Bern on July 8, 2021.

Various other organisations such as Aktionsbündnis Urkantone, Mass-voll, Junge SVP and Stopp Impfentscheid helped.

Once again, constitutionalists have proven that there is no getting around them when the government wants to pass laws that contradict the federal constitution.

It is about discrimination against the unvaccinated, comprehensive contact tracing and the introduction of the vaccination certificate.

Thanks to the friends of the Constitution, the people now have the last word on 28 November!

July 8 2021 videos

Submission of Referendum II Covid Law (8 July 2021)

Press conference: Referendum II Covid Bill (8 July 2021)

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