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The new E-ID Act was passed by Parliament on 20 December 2024 and published in the Federal Gazette on 9 January 2025.
In December 2024, the Council of States adopted two motions on the introduction of digital signature collection and the further development of the e-ID infrastructure ("Rapid introduction of digital signature collection" Motion 24.3851 by Benjamin Mühlemann and "Pilot operation for e-collecting with the e-ID trust infrastructure" Motion 24.3905 by Michel Matthias). On the last day of the 2024 winter session (20.12.24), the Council of States and National Council passed the Federal Act on Electronic Identity and Other Electronic Evidence in their final votes. This is yet another attempt to introduce a system that enables digital surveillance of the population and jeopardises privacy and personal freedom.
The Swiss population voted overwhelmingly against the law to introduce the e-ID back in 2021 - with a clear vote of 2:1! This result reflects the public's resistance to digitalisation on a global scale, which has potentially far-reaching implications for our democracy and the protection of personal data.
Despite this clear will of the people, the government is now once again trying to implement an almost identical law. This approach is not only undemocratic, but also a waste of resources and public trust. The repeated vote on the same content represents a disregard for the referendum and opens the door to abuses and undesirable developments.
We say no to digital public surveillance and call for genuine and transparent popular participation without digital manipulation and without E-ID.
With this referendum, we are calling for the E-ID Act, which is intended to create the basis for digital identity and the digital collection of signatures, to be put to the vote.
E-ID Act, BGEID read.
For more information:
Media release here view.