The Committee of Jurists deals with explosive topics

- Robust theories or useless-dangerous delusion

In Switzerland, a growing following has developed around the theories of "person versus person" and "authorities = companies" in parts of the freedom and civil rights movement in recent years. In a brief analysis, the Committee of Jurists has now subjected the core elements of both theories to a critical examination and has come to the conclusion that they are untenable.

Believe little, question much, think for yourself. This was written on some of the signs that could be seen at the first vigils of the Swiss fundamental rights movement in spring 2020. The saying applies to the theses disseminated by mass media just as much as to those of alternative media and sources.

Violations of the constitution on the part of the government and parliament in the last two years have been serious and have multi-layered causes. However, the reaction to such a crisis situation must not be a denial of the state. Our direct democracy with separation of powers and participation of the citizen is conceptually good, but functions only to a limited extent, e.g. because of the influence of politicians by lobbyists or the failure of critical reporting in the leading media.

The Friends of the Constitution regard the two theories "person vs person" and "authorities = companies" as untenable, analogous to the Lawyers' Committee. They tie up resources in the wrong place, provide steep passes for the leading media to defame and weaken the civil rights movement. More participation and engagement in the political system and not a turning away from the state must, in our view, be the reaction to the state failure during the last two years.

We thank the Committee of Jurists for the well-founded analysis, which is well worth reading!

Brief analysis of the "Man-Person-Firm" Committee Board

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