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Probably at the latest since the article in the Sonntagszeitung of 16.8 (we reported_Link: it should have become clear to the Swiss population that we are just Most aggressive vaccination campaign ever experience.
The unvaccinated half of the population is insulted, branded as responsible for rising case numbers and threatened with the sword of Damocles. Compulsory vaccination under massive pressure. The FOPH also recommends the "little prick" in its marketing campaign not for health reasons - which do not exist for over 90% of the people either - but as the only way to obtain basic rights that were robbed from them 16 months ago and have been withheld ever since.
Threats and blackmail are used instead of evidence-based recommendations. In a more sophisticated but all the more high-handed approach Since 5 May, the FOPH has been recommending with a letter (Link to the PDF) to various authorities, the concept of Extend the capacity to make vaccination decisions to children aged 10 years and older..
The implementation of this "Buebetricklis" will, as with previous vaccination campaigns, also take place in schools, and the first cantons will soon begin. This is a Incapacitation of parentswho, with common sense and research in various sources, can recognise the uselessness and danger of this physical intervention, especially since all experts agree that there are still too many factors of uncertainty in the Covid vaccination and that vaccination for children and adolescents makes no sense for epidemiological reasons. A teenager talking to the school doctor will only receive one-sided information in the style of the BAG - Propaganda (Link to leaflet) and probably go for the blackmail "vaccination for normal life".
The Friends of the Constitution have launched a campaign against this dangerous and unconstitutional threat to the most vulnerable in our society. Petition launched: "Stop parental disenfranchisement and child vaccination propaganda".. Visit the Petition websitePlease support us in our fight for the rights of our children with your signature and pass on this request to other people. The children need us more than ever in the coming months.
The child is injected into the arm. Selective focus.