No to the Covid Bill - Yes to Freedom

Guest commentary
by Bernhard Diethelm, SVP Cantonal Councillor, Vorderthal, 16.05.2021

No to the Covid Bill - Yes to Freedom

On June 13, 2021, we will vote on the Covid 19 bill. Thanks to the successful referendum by the "Friends of the Constitution", we are the only people on this earth who can decide democratically on the coercive measures decided by Parliament. For over a year now, we as once free citizens have been restricted in our constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom by ill-considered, contradictory and thus arbitrary decisions by the Federal Government. Billions of taxpayers' money have been and continue to be squandered, countless jobs and livelihoods have been destroyed, our social and societal coexistence has come apart at the seams. The "state omnipotence" hit us with full force!

It is time to rise up against this kind of tyranny, in other words, to demand what is rightfully ours based on our Constitution - in the mind and spirit of our Founding Fathers: "We will be a single nation of brothers, in no distress separate us and danger. We will be free as the fathers were, rather death than live in bondage. We will trust in the most high God, and not be afraid of the power of men." (Friedrich Schiller: Wilhelm Tell, II,2) Free citizens, who think and act on their own responsibility, need neither today nor tomorrow a law, which cements the powers for our government in such a way and takes away our air to breathe. The blackmail in the form of promises of economic aid is also completely absurd. Which, without the measures, would be superfluous anyway, but which are now being rubbed in our faces with relish or threatened to stop the said financial aid if the bill is rejected. All lies and deception!

In this way, the corresponding financial aid for affected companies, among others, can be regulated in a separate law. There is already a ready-made proposal from SVP National Councillor Pirmin Schwander, which, with a little good will and the necessary insight, could already be passed by our councillors in the coming summer session. A "No" to the Covid law would create the basis for this. No politician who wants to be re-elected will oppose this mandate. Loosely based on Margaret Thatcher (former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom): "The spine is underdeveloped in some politicians - perhaps because it is so underused."

Bernhard Diethelm, Vorderthal
SVP Cantonal Council
Vorderthal, 16.05.2021

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