Our children and young people are in danger!

The cantonal child protection initiative "No coercion against children and young people" provides a remedy at school!

"25 per cent more hospital admissions"1 is the headline of the St. Galler Tagblatt on Thursday, 21 July 2022. What is it about?

We are talking about the child and adolescent psychiatric clinic Sonnenhof in Ganterschwil. Lockdown, keeping your distance, wearing masks - all these measures against the Corona "pandemic" have caused great damage, especially among our young people. The psychiatric clinics were not only at their peak here in eastern Switzerland. 

Under the measures imposed on us, normal everyday life was no longer possible. Meeting friends, going out, doing sports - children and young people need all this like the air they breathe. And this was made impossible for them - although they were not threatened by the virus and were not the drivers of the "pandemic".2

Not only has the number of young people seeking help risen sharply due to the measures, but also the severity. Suicides in this age group have also increased in a disturbing way. This is not only true for the canton of St. Gallen.

The German Medical Journal writes on 31 March 2022:

In Germany, there has been a nearly 3-fold increase in suicide attempts among adolescents aged 12-17 during the second COVID-19-related lockdown compared to 2017-2019.3

This alarming news describes only the tip of the iceberg. Many also had to struggle with psychosomatic problems. And quite a few affected people sought help and had to be turned away.

A study published by the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf on 16.2.2022 reveals disturbing results:

According to the COPSY study (COVID-19 and Psychological Health) ... the psychosomatic complaints of children and adolescents have increased compared to the time before the Corona pandemic. Before the pandemic, children and adolescents suffered in particular from sleep problems and irritability. During the 1st wave, the proportion of respondents who suffered from irritability increased from 39.8 percent to 53.2 percent. In the 3rd wave, about 57 percent were affected. The proportion of 7-17 year olds experiencing stomach aches at least once a week almost doubled during the pandemic: before the pandemic, it was 21.3 per cent, while in September/October 2021, about 39.2 per cent complained of these complaints.4

These dramatic conditions must never be repeated.

Child protection initiatives are now being launched in some cantons: "No coercion against children and young people!"5 The aim is at least to curb coercive measures in schools. The collection of signatures has already begun in the canton of Thurgau. Other cantons will follow!

You too can support this important and urgently needed popular initiative! Protect our children! By doing so, you will defuse the unstable mental health of our youth, which has been damaged by the measures!

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