
Active for our fundamental rights!

11.03.2025, by Bianka Stettler

Fireside chat on 10 April 2025 in Bern

Fireside chat in Bern - join the discussion! After the successful fireside chat in Einsiedeln, we are continuing the series - next stop: Bern. Another exciting fireside chat will take place on 10 April 2025 at the Kreuz Congress Centre. Dr Roland Bühlmann will bring the most important topics to the table and invite interesting guests: Erich Hess, National Councillor SVP Andrea Zryd, National Councillor SP Jonathan [...]

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06.03.2025, by Bianka Stettler

Collection challenge: Your chance to stop the E-ID!

Collection challenge: A decisive step against the e-ID The introduction of a digital identity (e-ID) in Switzerland is a significant step with far-reaching consequences. While proponents speak of greater efficiency and digitalisation, there are considerable concerns regarding data protection, state control and individual liberties. In order to enable a broad social debate on the E-ID, a [...]

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04.02.2025, by Bianka Stettler

Successful fireside chat in Einsiedeln on 28 January 2025

Fireside chat in Einsiedeln: Full house and lively debate on current issues One week after our successful fireside chat at Zwei Raben with 120 guests, the echo of the evening remains vivid in the minds of the participants. Not only was a wide range of political opinions presented here, but there was also an important exchange on key topics that often [...]

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14.01.2025, by Bianka Stettler

Fireside chat with Pirmin Schwander, Dr Antoine Chaix and Josef Ender

Fireside chat on 28 January 2025 in Einsiedeln - join the discussion! 🔥🗣️ Dr Roland Bühlmann brings the "hot potatoes" to the table and invites exciting personalities to an open fireside chat. This time, interesting guests await you in Einsiedeln to discuss current topics and answer questions from the audience: 👤 Pirmin Schwander, Councillor of States [...]

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Active for our fundamental rights - defending the constitution - strengthening democracy

The freedom and the right of the people to have a say are anchored in the Swiss Federal Constitution. Citizens thus have an influence on political events in the country and thus also shape their own lives.

At a time when politics and the media are increasingly determined by business and lobby organisations, our civil rights movement is needed more than ever. The Friends of the Constitution actively campaign for the protection of our fundamental rights. Only thanks to committed citizens can our direct democracy continue to exist and guarantee freedom for all. In Switzerland, the state serves the people - not the other way round.

Together we are strong!

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