
To keep you up to date on actions, reactions, views and opinions and official statements on our issues and campaigns.Tip: Clicking on one of the buttons will only show you news in the corresponding category.

05.05.2022, from News Team

Freedom of the press in Switzerland is in danger! That's right!

On Wednesday 4 May, one could read in the NZZ 1 and hear on the radio the day before that "Journalists without Borders" had catapulted Switzerland to 14th place - 4 points down - in their annual "Press Freedom Ranking".

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27.04.2022, from News Team

Eternal "worst case" logic of the Federal Council: illegal and unconstitutional

Opinion of the Committee Board on the Federal Council's (FDHA) position paper - Committee of Jurists (summary)

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25.04.2022, from News Team

Here we go again!

We, the "Friends of the Constitution", after a phase "on the back burner", are now back on track since the election on 20 April 2022 and highly motivated to push forward the strengthening of our direct democracy.

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21.04.2022, by Roland Bühlmann

Result Board Elections

Dear members of the association, dear friends of the constitution A few hours ago we received the decision of the election officer. The team for 'Freedom, Fundamental Rights and Self-Determination' (List 2) received the most votes in our elections and may lead the fate of our association as the new board for one year. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the [...]

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19.04.2022, by News Team

No to the WHO pandemic treaty!

"The state of emergency will be the normality." Karl Lauterbach on 15 March 2022 1

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10.04.2022, by News Team

Framing at its best

Instead of finally taking a journalistically meticulous look at the ruinous measures against the Corona "pandemic", the Tages-Anzeiger uses last week's kidnapping case in Zurich to discredit the citizens' movement.

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21.03.2022, by Alec Gagneux

Without cash money, neither freedom nor resistance is possible

Since the 2018 Full Money Initiative explained that electronic money is "fake money", I only pay my taxes with the only legal means of payment (Art. 99 BV): cash. The democratically non-legitimised powers-that-be from the WEF or the "Better Than Cash Alliance" want to abolish cash as quickly as possible. The head of the [...]

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17.03.2022, from News Team

Strasbourg judges reprimand Swiss demonstration ban

A recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) shows how necessary it is to come to terms with various violations of fundamental rights over the past two years. In the judgement published on 15 March 2022, the Strasbourg court criticises the Swiss authorities for taking disproportionate decisions, as Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights recognises freedom of assembly and association as a central good of a [...]

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15.03.2022, from News Team

We say no to the WHO global monitoring system!

What does the WHO want? According to Ärzteblatt, the WHO wants to establish a "worldwide network to fight pandemics".

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