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The NZZ spreads out the Federal Council's arguments on one page. There is no trace of a factual or even critical debate.
Read moreGuest contribution by Bernhard Diethelm, SVP Cantonal Councillor, Vorderthal, 16.05.2021 No to the Covid law - Yes to freedom On 13 June 2021 we will vote on the Covid 19 law.
Read moreWerner Boxler is one of the leading figures opposing the Covid 19 bill being put before the people. He calls the law anti-freedom.
Read moreThe text of the Covid 19 law in the June 13, 2021 ballot book is the one passed by the House on September 25, 2020. However, since its entry into force, the law has been massively tightened several times.
Read moreon the vote on the Covid 19 law. The only sensible solution: A separate Covid 19 financial aid law! with Markus Häni, Barbara Gysi (SP) and Sarah Bütikofer (political scientist Uni Zurich)
Read moreThe organisers of the panel in Ebnat-Kappel wrote to sixty supporters of the Covid 19 law. A single supporter of the law was willing to face the counter-arguments.
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