
To keep you up to date on actions, reactions, views and opinions and official statements on our issues and campaigns.Tip: Clicking on one of the buttons will only show you news in the corresponding category.

05.12.2021, by News Team

We will not give up!

The Friends of the Constitution remain active to prevent further dismantling of civil rights in the best possible way.

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29.11.2021, by News Team

Madness everywhere you look!

Many scientists no longer do justice to their actual task. They set standards and issue recommendations for politicians instead of focusing on research. In doing so, they ultimately abolish science itself.

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29.11.2021, from external source

Million booster for rich publishing houses

The Confederation is supporting the media during the Corona pandemic with tens of millions of francs. The main beneficiaries are the rich and big publishing houses.

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27.11.2021, by News Team


On the interview with Sergio Morandi (Amici de la Costituzione) who explains the motivations that led the promoters to ask the referendum question asking the people to vote against the tightening of the Covid law in Switzerland.

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26.11.2021, from external source

Measure sceptics cost less

The critics of corona measures tend to have low health care costs, while the proponents generally make more demands on the health care system. This is shown in a new study by the University of Lucerne.

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26.11.2021, by News Team

Newspaper article in the Corriere del Ticino from 26.11.2021

Dear friends, today an open letter was published to Dr. Merlani asking for clarifications on some of his public statements.

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20.11.2021, by News Team

Our rule of law is eroding!

We live in dire times. Society is divided:

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19.11.2021, by News Team

Press conference on 11.11.2021 in Castione

Dear voters of Ticino, On Thursday, 11 November, we held a press conference in Castione to introduce the numerous groups (more than 30!) active in Ticino for the campaign "NO to an extreme and unnecessary tightening of the Covid law" on 28 November 2021.

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19.11.2021, by News Team

Newspaper article in Corriere de l Ticino and La Regione from 19.11.2021

Dear voters of Ticino, today these two articles appeared in "Corriere de l Ticino" and "La Regione".

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