
To keep you up to date on actions, reactions, views and opinions and official statements on our issues and campaigns.Tip: Clicking on one of the buttons will only show you news in the corresponding category.

05.11.2022, by News Team

The never-ending drudgery of the Aufdenblatten family....

Now it's out: everyone knows that the Swiss Covid certificate never represented a guarantee of protection in any form. The narrative of the government and the authorities, however, sounded quite different: those who had been injected were supposedly safe from infection and would not be able to pass on the virus. Why then did they want to distinguish them from the unvaccinated by certificate [...]?

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29.10.2022, by News Team

The government's house of cards collapses

The whole narrative around the Covid vaccine has been shown to be misleading! Vaccines have not been tested for their efficacy and thus the house of cards is falling down. In our open letter, we call on parliamentarians to act and exercise their oversight duty to the executive immediately.

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28.09.2022, by News Team

Stop constitutional violations without end

The Federal Council and parliament have learned nothing from the Corona measures debacle: they are constantly committing new breaches of the constitution, relying on emergency law and urgent federal laws to trick the people. 

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28.09.2022, by News Team

Solar and water offensive

'Urgency' is abused and once again the constitution is undermined!

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04.09.2022, by Marion Russek

The Committee of Jurists deals with explosive topics

MENSCH VERSUS PERSON / BEHÖRDEN = FIRMEN" - resilient theories or useless-dangerous misconception In Switzerland, a growing following has formed around the theories "Mensch versus Person" and "Behörden = Firmen" in parts of the freedom and civil rights movement in recent years. In a brief analysis, the Committee of Jurists has now identified the core elements of the two theories [...]

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11.08.2022, by News Team

Friends of the Constitution to hold referendum against Covid Bill

The Friends of the Constitution will fight the extension of the Covid law with another referendum. They want to limit the undemocratic power of the Federal Council. If the people's representatives in Bern do not do it, then it is our task to prevent the division of society by the discriminatory and useless Covid certificate at the ballot box if necessary.

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26.07.2022, from News Team

Now monkeypox!

6000 infected people worldwide! The course of the disease is usually mild! Infection routes known!But: "WHO declares monkeypox outbreak an emergency of international concern".

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22.07.2022, from News Team

Our children and young people are in danger!

The cantonal child protection initiative "No coercion against children and young people" provides a remedy at school!

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15.07.2022, from News Team

Friends of the Constitution launch cantonal initiative to protect children and young people

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