
01.11.2021, by News Team

Journalism or PR?

The Swiss mainstream media and the major rally in Bern

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01.09.2021, by Michael Bubendorf

Dear Mr von Burg

You are an important man. As head of politics at the Sonntagszeitung, you have a huge reach. You shape the political discourse and when you call for a change of political course, your words have a great impact in the country.

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31.08.2021, by Michael Bubendorf

True solidarity

Since the term "solidarity" was turned into the opposite by the pandemicists, some people have reacted with reluctance to what is actually such a beautiful word. But true solidarity is not so rare.

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23.08.2021, by Christophe

RTS Le grand débat - Should we give more power to the people?

A debate between Werner Boxler, Co-President of Friends of the Constitution, Damien Cotter, National Councillor (FDP/NE), and Muriel Ballaman, political journalist at RTS in Bern.

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15.08.2021, by Michael Bubendorf

Tamedia unleashes boundless hatred against the unvaccinated

"The Federal Council and the cantons must now put all possible pressure on vaccination refusers." This is what Denis von Burg, head of politics at Tamedia, writes.

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07.08.2021, by Michael Bubendorf

Deliberately misunderstood

Ringier and Tamedia play dumb I demanded in the programme "Club" that compulsory measures be abandoned, regardless of infectious mortality. by Michael Bubendorf

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05.08.2021, by Michael Bubendorf

"Blick" spreads trivialising anti-Semitism tweet

One can be divided on the question of measures. It can and should be debated whether coercive measures by the state are suitable for containing a pandemic or not.

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28.07.2021, by Michael Bubendorf

Off to the hunt

Now, these critics of measures, they are somewhat abstruse people. Aren't they?

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28.06.2021, by columnist

For freedom and fundamental rights

A guest post by Philipp Gut on June 28, 2021 Published in: Die Ostschweiz

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